domingo, 8 de junio de 2008

Comentari de les orals presentations:

-MARINA SARQUELLA , natural disasters
facts I have learn:different kinds of disasters: -floods, -tsunamis, -bizzars, -mudflows, -volcanic eruptions, -limnic eruptions...
Ideas for my presentation: good pronunciation and it's too long.
General impression: very good.

"Crimes in United Stated of America" USA: a very dangerous country.
Facts I've learnt: I didn't know there were so many differences between blacks and white homicides.
Ideas for my oral pres.: Choose an original topic like their!
General Impression: Very good

- ADRIÀ ALFARO: "Skinheads"
Facts I've learnt: I didn't know that Skinheads appeared too many years ago, that the RASH are the most radical Skinhead's groups and that is the girl who organise the fights.Ideas for my oral pres.: I saw a very good structure of oral presentation, it's an other positive point ;) And a very interesting presentation, for me!
General Impression: For me he did the presentation very good! He speaks in English very well.

Helpless dogs
Facts I have learned:- Each year nearly to 200.000 animals are abandoned.- The consequences of the abandonment are: traffic accidents, diseases...
General impression:Good.

Miriam and Anna Genís,Poverty & patronage
Facts I have learned:-patronage = apadrinar-Vicenç Ferrer ONG started 6 years ago- They are god fathers.
Ideas for my presentation:I like the idea of the letter, and the topic was amazing.
General impression:Very good

She talked about "The famine"
Facts I’ve learnt:She explained to us some sad things, like:One child dies every five second a day for famine.The causes for famine are: Expensive aliments, there are a lot of people in poor countries, and some epidemic diseases.To resolve this problem, there are some organizations like:“Food and agriculture organization of United States” or "World Food" (the biggest humanitarian organization of the world).
Ideas for my oral presentation: She is very expressive, and this is a positive point.
General Impression: I always say the same, her English is so good, but, this time, I don’t enjoy with the topic so much, I have to say that she explained a lot of interesting things but it was so long.

NEUS PAGÈS AND MARINA JULIÀ:They talked about "diseases" like Bulimia, AIDS...
Facts I've learnt: I knew a lot of things about this topic because I always find information about illness, and all of this things, but I learn some new things, like: Each day, die 2 persons about anorexia o bulimia, and every day this illness is improving.
Ideas for my oral presentation: A good power-point!
General Impression: They did a good presentation, the topic wasn’t really original but I love this kind of topics, so I enjoy the oral.

Alejandro and Adrià Carmona, The waste.
facts I have learn:- In the world there are a lot of waste and we don’t know where goes this waste.- People threw condoms in the sea.- The solution with this problem is recycling.
-Ideas for my oral presentation:- Show different things to develop my oral presentation.- General impression: GOOD

Ariadna, Animals mistreatness.
- facts I have learn:- There are a lot of poachers that kill the animals.- Thousand of animals are used and sacrificed for experimental intensions.- The ownes train the dogs and afterwards they prepare the fights.
-Ideas for my oral presentation:- Give some solutions about anorexia and bulimia.
-General impression:GOOD

Carles and Claudia: they talked about drugs. They started with a dialogue. It started in 60s. Drugs are really expansive. // Have you ever bought drugs? // Really interesting.
Witch activity best shows your level of English?
I think that the orals presentations shows our truely level of English. Because the speakins for me is the most important thing that you can learn. The dialogue is good too for show the level of writing. And the normal exam shows the level that we have on writing.

Witch activities were really useful for you to improve your English?
One thing very useful to improve the level of english I think that's travel abroad to a Anglosaxon country. There you can practice a lot your speaking of the english lenguage.
And in the class speak with anika is very good for improve the speaking.

Witch activities did you not find useful to learn English? Why not?
All the activities that we do in the english class are useful. But I think that the blog and the portofolio are very labourious and we spent on there lots of ours. If we reduce the numbers of entries in the blog, for exemple, maybe we can see all of the mistakes.

Whitch activities did you enjoy doing and would you like to do again next year?
I enjoy do the orals expositions, and the speaking with anika.

Observing your portfolio, can you see an improvement on your level of English since September?
Yes, of course. My vocabulary is better and my writting too because I use lots of connectors. I think that this year we have done a good work.
Here my oral presentation of the 3rd term about the social topic: "the hooliganism"

Hosted by eSnips

Million dollar baby

This film: "Million dollar baby" is one of the best films that I ever seen. In his time the film wons some oscars becouse his plot is excepcional.

With a lot of famous actors like Clint Eastwood, Morgan Freeman and Hilary Swang. The film show us one girl that she wants practice boxing but he doesn't find a good trainer. At the final the girl dies with a spectacular punch for the back.
I recomend you this film that is on the best films ranking!

Opinion text

An opinion essay

I think that nowadays the society is improving abot this social issue.
A lot of ONG's like Greenpeace, teach us about this social topic. For exemple, the ONG explain the global warming effect, the melting ice... etc. The ONG alert the world of the big problems that we have.
Another type of global problem is the green house effect that consists in the stocking of CO2 gases.

But we have to improve a little bit more because if we keep on like this, maybe in a century the Earth will disapear.
An opinion to stop polluting the world is to decrease the fuel and gasoil of every car, motorbike or vehicle.

Baldiri Gironella 1 Batx

martes, 3 de junio de 2008


Barcelona hasn't water enough, because Sau's reservoir is under limits. Now, we can see the huddle the ancient stone buildings as a symbol of the severity of this water crisis. Now is arriving water by ship, that it's really shocking, because normally is in South areas where water demand is parched by ships. In Barcelona, they are living with restrictions on the use of hosepipes and the filling of swimming pools.
HOSEPIPES: mangueres
TO RELAY: rellevar
EERIE: misteriós

Another new that I listened is called “Where are the Air Marshals?” and it’s about the absence of this type of police. His job consists on Project people who travel by plane and prevent terrorist attacks. They complain because there aren’t enough to guarantee people’s security. The interviewer insists to the policemen how are being interviewed which is the percentage of flies which are really covered by them. The policemen answer that it’s impossible to say, but only a few of them. Three expressions:Every single fly: cada vol concretIt’s such a small percentage: es només un petit percentageI don’t think you’d be far from the mark: no crec que estaries lluny de la xifra.

Tattoos became fashionable at the end of the 18th century when a British Taylor named captain cook voyaged the Pacific Ocean and returned with a heavily tattooed Polynesian.People became fascinated and tattoos became popular with the upper class people of that century.Derby is a city in England and it holds the state of art tattoo convention on the 21st and the 22nd of July. The worlds top tattoo artists come to take part in the competitions, there are a lot of awards for small and big tattoos. Some people have tattoos all over their body.

lunes, 2 de junio de 2008


A: Iñaski
B: Odam Grasillo

A: What's up Odam?!

B: Hei! Such a sideburns! What did you do last weekend?

A: I went to Passarel•la because I have the VIP.

B: Wow! With the VIP! And how did you get it?

A: I have it because I am a very importan person, not like you. I have it because I am the best.

B: Hei, hold on, not that much! And how the match was?

A: I was the midfield player and in twenty minutes I scored four goals. We won eight - one against Vilamalla and their goalkeeper was crying a lot.

B: Poor goalkeeper! Hahahaha! I haven't scored for five months, but I am a killer.

A: What's your ranking league?

B: We are the worst team in the league, but that's because we have a lot of bad players like Ckemoa, and that's why I don't scored too. And your team? what's your ranking?

A: At the begining of the season we were ok but then as the time past by we fell down.

B: You are worst than as! Oh... stop talking of football. I am working with my oncle in a carpet and you? How is the school?

A: The scool it's ok. I don't do so much work but I have a good marks except quimic because of the teacher.

B: Oh my good, I can't understand it, when I was in the school I didn't work and my marks were really bad.

A: I am sorry Odam, I must go home! See you later!

B: Ok, doesn't mind. See you!

* We don’t post the podcast because we thought in class that we will know how we can do it, but today, when we finished to record it, we try to post it with esnips but we couldn’t.