martes, 12 de mayo de 2009

My Best oral presentation

Since fourth of Eso I did lots of orals presentations. I have been talked about hobbies, countries, cities and museums too.

From my view the best oral presentation is that:

1- It was my last oral and for this reason I do not invade by the nerves.
2- The oral was about a trip we had done in September. The topic was easier and we had an usefull job
3- My vocabulary now is better than one or two years ago. I use a little bit more the connectors and my fluency improved. My lenguage is a bit more cultured and refined.

You can prove this phrases. If you want you can go to my last year's portfolio and watch another oral presentation.

1 comentario:


Thank you very much for your final collaboration, it has not been so bad, has it ? it's true that you've been writing a lot and if you remember your last exam, you did quite well your writing and reading exercices, and they were not easy !!

So, I hope you'll be very lucky in
" Selectivitat"