Barcelona hasn't water enough, because Sau's reservoir is under limits. Now, we can see the huddle the ancient stone buildings as a symbol of the severity of this water crisis. Now is arriving water by ship, that it's really shocking, because normally is in South areas where water demand is parched by ships. In Barcelona, they are living with restrictions on the use of hosepipes and the filling of swimming pools.
HOSEPIPES: mangueres
TO RELAY: rellevar
EERIE: misteriós
HOSEPIPES: mangueres
TO RELAY: rellevar
EERIE: misteriós
Another new that I listened is called “Where are the Air Marshals?” and it’s about the absence of this type of police. His job consists on Project people who travel by plane and prevent terrorist attacks. They complain because there aren’t enough to guarantee people’s security. The interviewer insists to the policemen how are being interviewed which is the percentage of flies which are really covered by them. The policemen answer that it’s impossible to say, but only a few of them. Three expressions:Every single fly: cada vol concretIt’s such a small percentage: es només un petit percentageI don’t think you’d be far from the mark: no crec que estaries lluny de la xifra.
Tattoos became fashionable at the end of the 18th century when a British Taylor named captain cook voyaged the Pacific Ocean and returned with a heavily tattooed Polynesian.People became fascinated and tattoos became popular with the upper class people of that century.Derby is a city in England and it holds the state of art tattoo convention on the 21st and the 22nd of July. The worlds top tattoo artists come to take part in the competitions, there are a lot of awards for small and big tattoos. Some people have tattoos all over their body.

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