domingo, 23 de marzo de 2008

My description (the first e-mail)

Hello Elisabet, I present you my description!

First, I will do a small description of my personality and next I'll explain my hobbies, interests and something like that.My name is Baldiri Gironella Gironell, I'm 16 and I live in Castellód'Empúries near the institute. I do the technologic batxillerat and I thinkthat this year will be very hard level and we have to work a lot. My principal hobby is football I enjoy really much this sport. I play in ateam called Esplais. We train every Monday, Thursday and Friday and alwaysin the weekend we have the match. I do extra classes off English in a particular school. And finally I practice a sport called in catalan "rem" (rowing) and it consists in move a boat muchfaster than you can with sticks (oars), made off wood or aluminium.

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